September 2023 Release Notes

Aunalytics is pleased to announce the September 2023 release to our clients.

Aunsight Golden Record

Small Feature Enhancements

To prevent the creation of an unstable Domain, an upper limit for sources has been implemented. The default upper limit is 100.

The ability to resend AuGR user emails on demand will now be available. Previously sent new AuGR user emails with a link that has expired can now quickly receive a reminder email with an unexpired link.

The ability to pause/resume Transactional Workflow Jobs now exists, which allows users with appropriate permissions to invoke a job version update to force the Transactional Metabase Monitor to remake the Job’s stream.

Toggle, Tooltip, and messaging associated with Master Data Management (MDM) processing will be removed to prevent confusion, ensuring that only Unity MDM is leveraged for Golden Records. With this final update, Legacy MDM will be fully decommissioned.

New updates to the AuGR Agent configuration will add clarity for users around Blackout Windows. Now when users select “Daily” or “Weekly” options a tooltip will appear for the respective option instead of having these definitions pasted on the configuration window regardless of the user’s selection.

The special file reader root path schema will now contain additional descriptive details, so users have a better understanding of its purpose and capabilities. Within the AU_FileInformation Schema, users will now see description details for the Schema, RootPath, FileName, and FileSize.

AU File Information Schema

A feature for automatic Handling of Special Characters in Data Fields now exists. New Transformation functionality will exist for TXWFs and will be present within the UI on the Edit Table > Advanced tab. New Transformation functionality is focused on regex, trim, and replace transformations.

Transformation Functionality

Bug Fixes

Description Client Request ID
Tool allows publish with incomplete configuration T20230125.0541
TEP2 - Grafana Charts Plateaued T20230810.0560